I DON'T SPEAK ABOUT THAT! I am not a good graphic and I need somebody to make sub-frames for me. Sorry for shouting/yelling/what-you-want, but this was a misunderstanding. A big misunderstanding.
Umm, cool down a bit? Taken directly from wikipedia:
"tweening is the process of generating intermediate frames between two images to give the appearance that the first image evolves smoothly into the second image."
So, your use of the word tween was apparently the wrong word to use, because tweening is exactly what I described in my post above. Tweening in Flash would be having the Flash program automatically generating a movement, by rotation or whatever means to create an animation without having to draw each frame from scratch.
If you all you want is a person to make additional sprites for the animations for you, well you should have said that in the first place.